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Archive of Wavematters

A bus tour to sensing and making sense of Madrid as wave field

Elisabeth Luggauer, Jorge Martín Sainz de los Terreros, Ignacio Farías

On the 8th of July 2022, more than 50 STS-scholars attending the European Association of Science and Technology Studies (EASST) conference in Madrid participated in a three-hour “thermodynamic” bus ride organised by the WAVEMATTERS-team to selected “hot-spots” and heat infrastructures in Madrid. In our experimental journey, we visited three thought-provoking sites – the Bosque Metropolitano, the Eco-Boulevard, and the Escaravox – that stand for different types of urban heat infrastructures. At these places, we sensed heat with our bodies in perceptual walks, while in smaller groups, we reflected on our heat experiences, sensations, and strategies. And finally, aiming to make sense of heat, of bodily exposure to heat, and of cooling infrastructures, we gathered under some trees in a park next to Matadero, our last stop, for a closing round of discussion and reflection.


On this bus ride, Jos Temprano and Victor Rovira, a local team of a filmmaker and a soundrecordist, joined us and together we produced this video of the ride through heat. Enjoy the film!


Further information on the event can be found here.