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Line Breaks

Line breaks and empty lines are created with “& n b s p ;” (without spaces) in the “text editor”. It can also be done in the “visual editor” by pressing return/enter. This should generate the same code in the “text editor”. But if there are problems, please check in the “text editor” if the “& n b s p ;” (=nonbreaking space) is set properly.
Don’t use “< b r >” tags.

In annotations pls use “< b r >” for line break.


The “< s t r o n g >” tag is disabled (because we don’t have a bold typeface).
Please find an overview of possible text-formats here
Archive Post Articles:
Glossary Articles:

Landing Page

The video is placed on the landing page via it’s URL: Please copy the video URL into the responding field in the page “Entrance Page” (under “Pages”). You will find the video URL on the video’s page under “Media” (Example “”). The maximum file size is 4 Megabyte. Otherwise the perfomance of the website might get very slow or broken.
A possible compression tool:

Duplicating Posts

You can duplicate posts with “Copy” – take care that categories and formats might not be taken.

Important for Entries in “About”

Important – all entries which are going to the about page have to have the format “About” and the category “Aboutpage”


Glossary Page

Glossary Sort Function – The alphebetical order is case sensitive and just sorts Capital Letters.
All plugins should be updated regularly for security reasons. There is no danger of causing errors while updating.